DirectX Install IssuesAll versions of Windows come with DirectX already installed and ready to go, however your game might require a newer version be installed in order to run. Here are some common occurrences of problems installing DirectX:
The two most common causes for the installation hanging is lack of hard disk space and problems with your video or sound card drivers. While DirectX itself doesn't take up much hard disk space, you must compensate for the fact that Windows is using some hard disk space for Virtual Memory Virtual memory is hard drive space that Windows sets aside as cache. Windows will be able to offload items from main RAM so that it can still be accessed by the program again. (a swap file A file stored on the computer hard disk drive that is used as a temporary location to store information that is not currently being used by the computer RAM. It is perfectly normal for the swap file or page file to grow in size, sometimes growing several hundred megs in size. )
EA Tech Tip: |
Always make sure the latest sound and video drivers are installed on your system. Check with your hardware manufacturer or visit their web site for help in updating. |