Connection Issues

If you are having trouble connecting to an online game, or are abruptly getting disconnected, follow the steps below.


Latest Version?  Patches or updates may have been released for your game.  One computer may be running a different version of the game than the other.  Visit the game's web site or check to see if a patch has been released.


Firewalls and Ports  A Firewall is one of the most common causes of connection issues when playing games.  A Firewall can either be a piece of software installed on your computer to protect it or can be a hardware device, such as a router, that is being used to share an internet connection.


While these devices offer protection from potential internet "attacks" they do so by blocking ports A software port is a location where information is sent through. A commonly used and accessed port is port 80, which is the http port. which the game may need in order to play online.  If you know you have a Firewall installed try disabling it.  If you know how to administer the Firewall or router you may be able to open up only the needed ports.  A list of ports that the game uses may be available in the manual or install guide that was included in the box.


EA Tech Tip:

If you are unsure how to administer your Firewall you will want to refer to its documentation, contact the manufacturer, or contact your network administrator.


Empty Temporary Internet Files

Empty Temporary Internet Files


Close Background Tasks

Close Background tasks


Internet Speed, Fast Enough?  If you are using a dial-up connection your internet speed may not be fast enough for your game.  This is especially true if you are trying to host the game.  Most games these days require at least a 56 kilobit per second connection, and some even require broadband connections.  If you are using dial-up and have a 56 Kilobit modem make sure that you are connecting at a full 56K.  Often times the access number you dial may not support 56K and your speed may be suffering as a result.  



EA Tech Tip:

If using Windows XP, make sure that no other users are logged on to the computer.  If you are unsure, try shutting down the computer and restarting.